3 Strategies to Set and Accomplish Your Goals

Do you have a vision board or some other way that you keep your vision and goals in front of you every day? Now let me ask you this: when was the last time something came off your vision board because it manifested in your real life? In other words, when was the last time you accomplished one of your goals? I’m going to discuss how to set goals, but more importantly, how to accomplish your goals!


What is a vision board?

Vision boards have become very popular, especially around the first of the year when many people are focused on setting new goals for the New Year. Scrolling through social media, I see many flyers and events advertising vision board parties and workshops. I myself have conducted several workshops.

But a vision board is more than just glued pictures on a large sheet of poster board. It’s more than pasted photos of expensive houses and cars or luxury items we wish to have one day. The real purpose of a vision board is to help you get clarity about what you really want in your life and then to help you keep that vision in front of you by placing your vision board in a place where you will see it every day. It’s a constant visual reminder of your goals and dreams.

But once you clarify your vision, the next step is to make that vision or dream a reality by setting and accomplishing goals.

Sounds easy enough right? Then why don’t more people get beyond placing that vision board on the wall? As a matter of fact, do you even know where your vision board from last year is? When was the last time you took a serious look or inventory of your board?

I believe the answer to accomplishing goals lies in how we approach goal setting. I want to share some strategies to help you move beyond your vision board and truly start to accomplish more of your goals.


#1 Set tangible goals

Set goals that are attainable, that you can work towards, and actually accomplish. One of my favorite quotes by Napoleon Hill, the author of the book Think and Grow Rich (if you haven’t read it, you need to), is “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” This lets us know that at some point we have to stop dreaming and we have to start doing something. Set a deadline for your goal, specify when you want to achieve it, and then make a list of action steps you can take to reach it.


#2 Take action every day

Don’t just write a list of action steps, implement your list. In the professional world, they use a moniker for goal setting known as S.M.A.R.T. goals. The theory is that to accomplish your goals they have to be clear and reachable, and your goals should be S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound). But I want to challenge you to make your goals even S.M.A.R.T.E.R. by adding an “ER.” The E stands for Execute (or take action), and The R stands for Real (make your goals your reality).


#3 Push past any obstacles

When I work with my clients on setting goals, one of the strategies we use is to establish a goal and identify all of the possible barriers to that goal. What can throw you off track or stand between you and your goal? Come up with a strategic plan to combat or push past any of these potential roadblocks.

For instance, your goal is to lose 20 pounds. What is a potential obstacle to this goal? It could be having to attend work events or function where they are going to serve food that isn’t on your lose-20-pounds-approved list. So, if this is a potential obstacle for you, create a plan for these occasions. Maybe before functions, you eat a larger, healthier meal so that you aren’t tempted to snack. Did you see what just happened? You are planning how you will handle obstacles if and when they arise.

You can do this same exercise for all of your goals. This will help you push through and deal with any obstacles that have the potential to slow your progress, throw you off course or cause you to give up on your goals. Be prepared to deal with potential obstacles.


So, remember, posting your vision board on the wall and staring at it every day will not make your dream your reality. It’s a good beginning, but it’s not enough if you truly want to accomplish your goals. You have to set goals and determine action steps. Then you actually have to DO something and take action. I always say that anyone can dream a dream, or in this case, create a vision board, but it is in your daily actions where your dream becomes your reality.


I hope that you got something from this post that you can really use to make some positive and changes in your life.

If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please be sure to like it, leave your comments below and share it with others who are making goals, but struggling to actually accomplish their goals. In fact, share it with all the guests at your next vision board party. And just maybe it will change how people use their boards.

And If you are serious about accomplishing your goals, and you’re ready to stop being a dreamer and to become a “DOER,” I also want to invite you to join my Dream. Do. Done! Monthly Membership Site. Get the coaching, support, tools, and strategies that you need to finally accomplish your goals and live your dreams.

I would love to hear from you. Let me know how you put these strategies to use in your life. You can connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @ImTamaraHartley. Also, let me know if there’s a topic you would like for me to cover. I love getting your comments, your feedback, and your suggestions.

Check out these FREE resources

Are you trying to find your purpose?
Take this free e-course to reconnect with your purpose, identify your gifts, talents, and abilities, and find your passion. 

What would you do if you had a few more hours in your day? Download this resource to take back control of your schedule and make more time in your busy life.

Ready to take action, but have no idea how or where to start? Use this resource to immediately start accomplishing your goals and living your dreams.
