December 6

Learn how to recognize and stop procrastination.

Procrastination can cause undue stress in your life. Even though you might be trying to avoid stress, putting things off can cause more stress in the long run. Do you have a pattern of avoidance in your life? Do you put things off until the last minute? Or maybe you avoid difficult tasks? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you just might suffer from procrastination.

Watch this video if you want some advice, tips, and strategies, that you can immediately put to use today, to stop procrastinating and get more done!

In this video, I share one of my biggest secrets and 5 tips and strategies to help you recognize and overcome procrastination.


For more advice, tips, and strategies, follow me on social media:

Facebook @ImTamaraHartley

Twitter @ImTamaraHartley

Instagram @ImTamaraHartley


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